I thought that's what he's been trying to do since military operations began last year.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Should Obama and coalition troops push ISSI'S out of Iraq??
by Witness 007 inwe are having weekly terror attacks.
you cant just keep carpet bombing as little ground has been won against issi's in one year.
they are making millions from oil and farming.
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Coded Logic
Keep in mind that your graph fails the Principle of Total Evidence. For example, the graph shows that people baptized in the year 2000 are only in for an average of 10 years. But this is operating off an incomplete data set. The people who were baptized in the year 2000 but leave in the year 2020 are not accounted for because they don't know they're going to leave yet.
As best I can tell, a lot of what we are seeing in this graph as a "trend" is just the fact that many people who were baptized within the last two decades simply haven't left yet. As time goes on the average "time in" will only go up.
I'm not sure any meaningful information can be extracted from the information you're gathering unless you're conducting a hundred year study.
Survey: How long were you in the cult vs what year you were baptized
by ILoveTTATT2 inhi people,.
i want as much data as possible on the effect of the internet on the time captured by the cult.. please answer the three following questions about yourself or about someone you know (for example, if your parents or grandparents were jw's and left).
1) were you raised as a jw, or did you convert?.
Coded Logic
1.) Raised
2.) 1996
3.) 2011
Time in: 15 years
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
Coded Logic
Witness 007,
Yeah, in just a bit from now. What is that, 12:00pm AEDT? It's only 5pm yesterday here in Sacramento ;)
Correction: looks like it'll be given tomorrow night. Good catch LisaRose!
I've begun reading the Qur'an
by nicolaou ini've reached the point where i feel legitimate comment needs to be backed by knowledge of the source.. i'll post occasional updates on how i'm doing and what i'm learning .
Coded Logic
Ugh, I've read it before. If you thought the book of Deuteronomy was repetitive and BORING as **** then you'll be astounded to find out there's a book even WORSE!
On the flip side, it's not really that long. And at least it has a somewhat consistent narrative.
Obama to speak from the Oval Office tonight (8:00 eastern)
by Coded Logic inthis will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the oval office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big.
combat troops being sent into syria?
unilateral movement on gun control?.
Coded Logic
This will be only the 3rd time he's spoken from the Oval Office in his seven years so it's probably going to be something pretty big. Combat troops being sent into Syria? Unilateral movement on gun control?
I really have no idea. Any political junkies in the know?
Newborn Loses Faith In The Jehovah’s Witnesses After Record 6 Days
by Watchtower-Free ingreen bay, wiin a turn of events that has stunned the worldwide medical community, local infant nathan jameson, born just six days ago, has become the youngest person ever to permanently and irrevocably know jehovah's witnesses are a harmful cult..this shatters all previous records, university of chicago psychologist douglas mcallister said monday.
in all of documented medical history, there is no case of a newborn taking less than four months to develop the mental faculties required to grasp the full extent of this nightmare called jehovahs witnesses.considering he already comprehends harsh realities that most jehovahs witnesses spend their entire fleeting, shallow existences attempting to deny, baby nathan is quite the little miracle!
he added.though he has not yet developed the capacity for speech, extensive cognitive testing has definitively shown that the shockingly perceptive 6-day-old fully understands and accepts that jehovahs witnesses cannot be trusted, that they remain far too ignorant for their opinions to be reliable, that a lack of self-awareness about their own destructive cult pervades them as a whole, and that most are too ineffectual to successfully pursue facts evidence and reason.sources said the early-blooming newborn was putting two and two together about the real nature of the jehovahs witnesses cult even before leaving the hospital, where his first sensory experiences included the shouts of sick people arguing to get treatment they urgently needed, visitors staring vacantly at smartphones as they scanned jw.org for fear inspired motivation.local reports confirmed the babys disillusionment was only compounded by the fact that he spent his first days in the bleak and soulless company of jehovahs witness relatives , their empty cult non-culture allowing him to realize in record time that all jw pursuits are cold, joyless, and devoid of any substantive purpose or integrity.for a baby, he sure is an insightful little guy, nathans mother, melanie jameson, told reporters.
Coded Logic
"Good artists copy. Great artists steal."
- P̶a̶b̶l̶o̶ ̶P̶i̶c̶a̶s̶s̶o̶ Coded Logic -
Could trends and group think be evidence of a form of telepathy?
by EndofMysteries ini was thinking the other day about trends.
think back over the decades and how generally the majority of people will feel or like or dislike the same things.
people comment how awful and ugly things that trended in the past were.
Coded Logic
I don't feel we should be surprised at all that similar brains processing similar information will arrive at similar conclusions.
In any sufficiently complicated system emergent properties almost always arise. At every scale things are more than the sum of their parts. Atoms are not just quantitatively greater than the neutrons, protons and electrons of which they are made -but they're also qualitatively greater. That is to say, atoms have properties that its parts don't.
As we scale up complex molecules have properties that the atoms of which they are composed simply don't - like metallic, ionic, and covalent bonds. Chains of these molecules - like RNA and DNA - also have emergent properties - like self replication. Put enough of these self replicating molecules together and suddenly you have something even greater - like cell. Put a whole bunch of cells together and you end up with something even greater - like an animal. Put enough of these animals together - like humans - and you get something even greater - like societies and cultures.
And trends in culture shouldn't surprise us. To the contrary - they are to be expected. No telepathy required.
My RC hearing brought forward. Will be in two weeks
by umbertoecho inthrough this forum of wonderful freaks, i have met someone who is coming with me to my hearing.
initially i was slated for next year, but will be attending in two weeks time.
all is in place from travel vouchers, support, where to go ............very efficient and well done.
Coded Logic
I feel there are several things that can be done to help protect the victims:
1.) When an Elder or MS first hears of a child abuse complaint they should be required to encourage the accuser and or guardian to file a police report.
2.) Regardless of the accuser's and or guardian's intention to - or not to - file a police report the Elder or MS must make the authorities aware of the complaint.
3.) Any and all testimony taken from the accuser by the Elders must be recorded and made available to the authorities upon request.
4.) Any and all testimony taken from the accused by the Elders must be recorded and made available to the authorities upon request.
5.) Upon receiving a complaint of child abuse the Elders must inform the congregation that a child abuse complaint has been made by one of the congregation members against another congregation member. If the accuser and accused are in separate halls the notice must be made in both halls. The identity of both the accuser and accused must remain confidential.
6.) If the accused confesses to the Elders that they abused a child then the identity of the accused and nature of their crime must be made public to the congregation. If the accused transfers to another congregation the new congregation shall be made aware of the name accused and that they have admitted to child abuse.
7.) If an individual has been convicted of child abuse in the court of law it shall be made known to their congregation by the elders that their is a convicted child abuser in the congregation and the identity of the offender. When the individual transfers to a new congregation it shall be made know by the elders that individual is a convicted child abuser.
8.) If a complaint is made in a hall or it becomes known that a convicted child abuser is in the congregation a special public needs talk shall be given on what children should do if they are abused, on what members should do if they suspect a child has/is being abused, and what legal resources are available to them.
9.) Parents who have children that are minors in a congregation that has a confessed or convicted child abuser must be allowed to transfer their families to another congregation if they wish to without interference from the BOE.
Does this sound like a man who is inspired by God?
by Coded Logic inabsolutely disgusting!.
Coded Logic
Well clearly women who "run a company, a university, a science department and even a country" must be homosexuals.